Coconutty Banana Apple Oatmeal

I have a new goal for myself, to create a little more routine in my day.  Honestly, this has never been a problem for me but over the last couple of years I have tried to focus more on “going with the flow” that I have kind of “flown” out of control. Whoops! I used to be so good about getting up at the same time every day, eating breakfast, lunch and dinner at normal hours and then going to bed before 10:30 every night.  Lately, I get up anywhere from 6:30-7:30am, start work and then don’t eat until about 1pm.  I also work at night as well so I don’t eat dinner until about 8-9pm and then don’t sleep well.   My goal for myself is to develop more of a M-F daily routine, especially when it comes to eating and sleeping.  My plan is to eat breakfast at 8am, lunch at 1pm, (a light) dinner at 6pm, maybe a snack after I get done with work and to be in bed every night by 10:00pm.  My second goal is to slow down and take some time to heal.  My body has been through a bit of a whirlwind over the last 12-14 months.  I think a lot of it had to do with me teaching a lot of hot yoga, not getting enough nutrients back into my body and then working out on top of that.  ALL completely my own fault, so now I have to fix it because it has resulted into vertigo spells, night sweats, irregular heart beat, random racing heart beat, very low hemoglobin and fatigue.  I’m not going to lie, I have a hard time “slowing” down because I haven’t known any different since a young age.  I grew up doing sport after sport with little time to sit and rest.  I am realizing now that I am a little older that my body does not recover as quickly as it once did, but yet I still push it like I am 15 years old.  My problem is that I enjoy the pain and fatigue that I place upon my body!  Yoga helps me to get all of that into one. Which is why I have been focusing more on my daily (non-hot)practice. I know that most of my working out is a result of not dealing with certain situations in my life, but I do think that, in moderation, it helps to sort stuff out.  Crossfit on the other hand is just flat-out FUN in my opinion and I don’t know if I can ever fully give that up.  So, I have decided in order to do it at the moment, I have to wear a heart rate monitor and just go through the motions without trying to win every wod.  I have to cut back to going 1-2 times per week as well, which in my opinion SUCKS because I had been training for the Crossfit Open that is starting in 10 days.  I missed it last year because I hurt my neck and then had vertigo really bad, so I was determined to get back at it this season.  Well, life happens and good thing I have been “going with the flow” more because it looks like I’m not going to be able to compete again this year.  (Which makes me so sad and is hard for me to put my ego on the sidelines and look at the bigger picture)  But, I am going to do that because I know that it is what is best. Life always seems to have its way of reminding me to appreciate what I have and be grateful for the lessons it teaches me when I don’t always get what I want because I know that it is not always what I NEED.

With all of this being said, I am doing a little “detox” for the next 3-4 days.  I don’t do extremely well with solely juicing, so I am just going to cut out refined sugar, dairy, corn, meat and gluten. (Which I kind of do anyway, but I just want to give my digestive system a bit of a break.) Here is an example of Day 1:

Breakfast: Coconutty Banana Apple Oatmeal

Lunch: Sweet Potato Soup

Dinner: “Creamy” Asparagus Soup (*no added goat cheese)

Snack: Tea

I wanted to share my “Coconutty Banana Apple Oatmeal” with you.  The other meals above are in my blog.  I am planning on doing this “Phase 1” detox for 3-5 days, mixing up soups.  It is mostly all liquid except for breakfast.  I will share with you all of my meals on my blog as I go.

Gluten Free, Vegan

1 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milkphoto-51

1/2 cup gluten free oats

1/4 cup chopped and peeled apples

1/4 cup chopped banana

1/4 teaspoon pumpkin spice

2 teaspoons honey (*optional)

1 heaping tablespoon of Cawood’s Nuttybutter

Step 1: Place almond milk, oats, apples, honey* and spices in pot.  Turn heat up to high and bring to a boil.  Turn to simmer and cover for about 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in Cawood’s Nuttybutter.

Step 2: Place oatmeal in bowl and add banana’s on top.

Step 3: Eat your heart out!

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